
Hello family and friends! I am very excited you decided to view my webpage today. Let's enjoy the journey together

What's New

I just started my second semester at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, GA, or GGC as us Grizzlies like to call it

Future Endevours

Upon graduation in Spring 2021, I'll be seeking a Public Relations Specialist (PR) position with either the Falcons, Braves or Hawks

About Ty Rice

My name is Ty Rice and I am a very positive, encouraging and self-motivated person.

Three of my favorite movies

Other things you should know about me

If you don't know, now you know!

My Schedule For This Year

Fall 2019 TBD
Business Law TBD
Physical Science TBD
U.S History II TBD

Some of my favorite memes
